Tag: sex work

  • Don’t go back!

    Don’t go back!

    I wanted to do a follow up post to my very early ones about some of my favourite things to wear for sex work. I could have deleted those posts (not just because they are dated) celebrating my black corset, red body suit,  white lingerie and red satin corset but I wanted to keep the…

  • Exploring this blog

    Exploring this blog

    My first R18 splash page on the hosted website using my own domain Welcome to my website!  Remember when most new websites had that on them?  I remember attending a course for a company I worked for and the instructor specifically said it was a no-no.  “We don’t write Welcome to our Brochure on our…

  • Can sex workers and clients stay afloat in a recession?

    Can sex workers and clients stay afloat in a recession?

    A Dutch pinnace in a rough sea (1625) By Cornelis Verbeeck License: Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons So the recession is due, suddenly, or maybe gradually, paying for sex will be a struggle for some. Some will settle in with some popcorn and porn and let Mrs Palmer and her five daughters take care of things.…

  • Is sex work a profitable business?

    Is sex work a profitable business?

    A diagram of Michael Porter’s Five Forces based on an image from Porter M. E., Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance (New York: Free Press, 1985), page 5. I once had a lady come and visit me for the day in Christchurch from Wellington because she wanted to interview me to figure out whether…

  • Sex work after lockdown

    Sex work after lockdown

    You can’t please all of the people all of the time. You’ll need to login to enjoy this anonymous phone message It seems not long ago that Covid-19 broke out and we were forced into lockdown, and now we are nearly into level 2. According to the government business website, in level 2, non-medical massage…

  • Not About The Heart Of Darkness; Whoring As A Profession At The End Of Capitalism*

    Not About The Heart Of Darkness; Whoring As A Profession At The End Of Capitalism*

    This is a guest post by Christchurch escort Clio** the Whore. ‘You live in a fantasy’, says my client wistfully. He is lying on my bed in a state of post coital triste, having expounded to me his marital problems. He looks around him, at the beautiful room bathed in golden light with its fin…

  • What a Way to Make a Living

    What a Way to Make a Living

    Hylas and the Nymphs is a 1896 oil painting by John William Waterhouse. So I’m well and truly back into sex work, although with later hours than I have ever worked due to other things I am doing in my life – so I am truly a “lady of the night”. This has brought with…

  • Love as community

    Love as community

    Tiziano Vecellio, called Titian (b. Pieve di Cadore, ca. 1488-d. Venice, 1576), Venus Blindfolding Cupid, ca. 1565, Borghese Gallery, Rome A contemplation on Amber O’Hara’s What gets women off? and Love within Sex Work. Amber O’Hara proposes an interesting question in her two part series What gets women off? One guesses she explores this question…

  • Sex Workers Starting With Why

    Sex Workers Starting With Why

    Roy Lichenstein We Rose Up Slowly (1964)   Why do sex workers do what they do? I’ve been enjoying the fabulous book Start With Why by Simon Sinek after a recommendation by someone I respect a lot and who has had an amazing career in their (creative) field. In fact I listened to the audio…

  • Ways to do sex work – part three (being a domme)

    Ways to do sex work – part three (being a domme)

    Dominique Stern, a character created by musician Gene Simmons What a mysterious world the provision of domination and fetish services is.  It may be an area you’d consider exploring if you have an interest in certain kinks.  Sometimes it’s a service that occasionally sex workers branch out into when they are wanting to go beyond…

  • Ways to do sex work – part two (touring)

    Ways to do sex work – part two (touring)

    Beautiful Kaikoura on the east coast of the South Island, view from the beach during a brief train stop Touring sex workers are a not-so-modern phenomenon but since the Prostitution Reform Act (2003) in New Zealand we are able to tour and sell our services in a much more organised manner. I personally love to…

  • Ways to do sex work – part one (cam work)

    Ways to do sex work – part one (cam work)

    My occasional series about selling sex originally coincided (until my blog was rearranged) with the impending release of a film about cam models (ladies who interact with paying and non-paying internet customers via web cams). It is kind of like live porn, being largely user-directed and featuring a solitary actor (it is quite complicated to…

  • Advertising and “bait and switch”

    Advertising and “bait and switch”

    With improvements in technology and the Prostitution Reform Act and ladies becoming independent and doing their own marketing, the sex industry has come so far.  You can more or less expect to get what you see in the photographs with independent escorts, although some complain of dishonest or overly-flattering photos or photos which were taken…

  • Equal and Unequal Measures

    Equal and Unequal Measures

    by Clio the Whore A Tourist’s Guide to the BDSM World Status is a funny thing and not always what you think it is. Service to others comes in surprising forms. What looks like sheer selfishness can in fact be a pure act of love. Where there is pain, there can be pleasure, in equal…

  • Is your New Year’s resolution to have more sex?

    Is your New Year’s resolution to have more sex?

    Image: Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut In 1999, Stanley Kubrick released his last film, Eyes Wide Shut, which starred Kidman and Cruise, ‘a Hollywood couple whose marriage was in trouble, about a New York couple whose marriage was in trouble.’  It was famous for an orgy scene, but in the subtext of the…

  • Sex and Skin Hunger

    Sex and Skin Hunger

    Image: J W Waterhouse The Awakening of Adonis (detail)Here is a guest post by a client talking about how sex workers have helped the issue of ‘skin hunger’ for him personally, following a discussion we had during our booking, which he has mentioned below.  I invited him to contribute to my blog after this discussion as…

  • Sex and religion – twain meeting

    Sex and religion – twain meeting

    I always find it funny how sex (work) and religion are such a taboo combination when, as I mentioned in a previous blog post, Jesus himself was friends with a hooker. As far as churches go though, I have never found anywhere that I fit in.  Even when I wasn’t a sex worker.  There was…

  • Sucking and Licking

    Sucking and Licking

    What do blow jobs have in common with Lobster Thermidor? We don’t get Lobster Thermidor at home much either. If you don’t get blow jobs much at home, as this well-known joke hints, you’re in luck, because most sex workers claim to love blow jobs, and in fact most quote the humble blow job as…

  • Lady on lady sex work adventures

    Lady on lady sex work adventures

    Golden Head by Golden Head, illustration by Dante Rossetti for Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Marketand Other Poems(1862) Golden head by golden head, Like two pigeons in one nest Folded in each other’s wings, They lay down in their curtained bed – Christina Rossetti in Goblin Market It’s not just men who enjoy sexy times with sex…

  • Actresses on Mattresses

    Actresses on Mattresses

    While sex workers can genuinely feel affection for some clients, there is usually an element of acting involved (as opposed to robotic and clinical sex work), whether it involves putting on a brave face when things are less than stellar in their private lives, or acting professionally pleasant when you just don’t feel like it…

  • Must we mature sex workers still lie about our age?

    Must we mature sex workers still lie about our age?

    A guest contributor on my blog last year wrote in favour of mature ladies, acknowledging the benefits of more experience and knowledge of the wonders of a woman’s sexuality. While agreeing with this, as an “enlightened” (or I could say mature) woman who now feels okay about being real about my age – and a…

  • Is tantric sex desirable or even advisable with a sex worker?

    Is tantric sex desirable or even advisable with a sex worker?

    It’s no secret that one of my favourite “types” of sex is the tantric kind: a kind of slow, meditative, close and not necessarily climactic linking of two people. It’s indulgent: like savouring every mouthful – flavour, texture and sensation – of your favourite kind of food or wine and thoughtfully appreciating it even once…

  • Deeper and Deeper

    Deeper and Deeper

    Still images in this blogpost are all from Madonna’s official video for Deeper and Deeper. Beware!  Our idols and demons will pursue us, until we learn to let them go! Now that I am a lady of a certain age, different things matter to me.  I like to take time smelling the roses, and I’m…

  • Some men (who love their wives) visit escorts

    Some men (who love their wives) visit escorts

    Sometimes couples stay together because they really love each other and want to continue the personal investment they’ve made in their past and the family unit and home. The monogamous ideas that have been passed down through the ages means that couple are obliged to only make love with each other until the end of…

  • Outsourcing of sex relations to a sex worker

    Outsourcing of sex relations to a sex worker

    Photo: Ever since I was a young girl, I have had a thing for lace. I love reading blogs about sex work and Maggie McNeill’s blog, the Honest Courtesan, is surely one of the best.  One of my favourite posts is this one, A Whore in the Bedroom, which she wrote for ladies.  It got…

  • What do men like?

    What do men like?

    Johann Zoffany: (part of) The Tribuna of the Uffizi (feat. Titian: Venus of Urbino) Here is a controversial anti-feminist – or is it? – statement by Amber O’Hara: Men are the delicious other halves of our lives – the yang to our yin, the strong to our vulnerable (supposedly) and the penises to our vaginas (if we…

  • What’s a nice girl like me doing in a job like this?

    What’s a nice girl like me doing in a job like this?

    So people sometimes ask me, “what’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?” Well – First of all, the place I work is really rather nice and I can honestly say, I am in the best working situation I have ever had.  I set my own hours, my own rates, and…

  • In praise of quickies

    In praise of quickies

    The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali I have to say, I’m not much of a time-keeper in the room.  I never schedule bookings back to back, it is very rare that there isn’t enough time in between bookings for me to have myself and my boudoir looking just how I want it to be.…

  • A rose by any other name

    A rose by any other name

    Image: The Soul of a Rose by JW Waterhouse A lot of people call and ask about services, but if they are not that familiar with the sex industry or have never visited a working girl, they may not understand the meanings of some of the terms I (or other working girls) might use.  So…

  • A Bossy Girl Or a Dominatrix?

    A Bossy Girl Or a Dominatrix?

    Remember when you were a kid and you’d see a loud-mouthed 12 year old girl getting about with a couple of 10 year old boys in tow hanging on to her every word, she’d be ordering them about, getting them to buy her gob-stoppers and generally acting like she owned the place?  Well I wasn’t…