Tag: Christchurch

  • Don’t go back!

    Don’t go back!

    I wanted to do a follow up post to my very early ones about some of my favourite things to wear for sex work. I could have deleted those posts (not just because they are dated) celebrating my black corset, red body suit,  white lingerie and red satin corset but I wanted to keep the…

  • Sex work after lockdown

    Sex work after lockdown

    You can’t please all of the people all of the time. You’ll need to login to enjoy this anonymous phone message It seems not long ago that Covid-19 broke out and we were forced into lockdown, and now we are nearly into level 2. According to the government business website, in level 2, non-medical massage…

  • What do men like?

    What do men like?

    Johann Zoffany: (part of) The Tribuna of the Uffizi (feat. Titian: Venus of Urbino) Here is a controversial anti-feminist – or is it? – statement by Amber O’Hara: Men are the delicious other halves of our lives – the yang to our yin, the strong to our vulnerable (supposedly) and the penises to our vaginas (if we…

  • What’s a nice girl like me doing in a job like this?

    What’s a nice girl like me doing in a job like this?

    So people sometimes ask me, “what’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?” Well – First of all, the place I work is really rather nice and I can honestly say, I am in the best working situation I have ever had.  I set my own hours, my own rates, and…

  • Lurking and Peering and the Culture of Complaint

    Lurking and Peering and the Culture of Complaint

    The day I visited my friend and fellow sex worker, Clio, at her house*, I was wearing my (non-sex worker-like) day clothes of jeans and a plain, dark woollen top and carrying a large, black art portfolio, as I was visiting to show Clio some sketches from a creative project I started at university. As…

  • Exit: Stage Left

    Exit: Stage Left

    There comes a time in a sex worker’s life when, despite the lovely harem of men who are her willing clients, she sometimes thinks that she has had enough of fucking for money.  It may not be a feeling that comes on suddenly, like an epiphany, instead it may be a slowly evolving feeling of…

  • Why would you want to be a sex worker?

    Why would you want to be a sex worker?

    Veronica Veronese* by Dante Gabriel Rossetti painted in 1872 with Alexa Wilding as the model.  It is believed to represent “the artistic soul in the act of creation”. I’ve always liked new beginnings although of course generally they are nothing more than a mental reset. So the start of a new year is as good a…

  • Who are my clients?

    Who are my clients?

    Édouard Manet painting possibly representing clients and sex workers Some people are curious and I have been asked who my clients are. I suspect to make themselves feel better about their negative attitudes towards sex work and to feel removed from it as much as possible, some like to think of sex workers’ clients as…

  • To the men who respond to my newspaper advertisements

    To the men who respond to my newspaper advertisements

    my little advert Please don’t think that because I’m advertising in the Press or your free community newspapers, alongside the traditionally lower-priced but sometimes fictional Asian agency ladies, that I am also prepared to offer my services for lesser amounts than I advertise elsewhere. If the truth be told, I would love to see you,…

  • Is it fun to be a sex worker?

    Is it fun to be a sex worker?

      Is it fun to be a sex worker?  My answer is yes, yes, yes and sometimes not so much. If you are considering doing it, you are likely to meet lots of men, most of whom you would never come into contact with in daily life.  Fascinating, eager to please and very sexy men…

  • Where to from here?

    Where to from here?

    So … I’ve decided to get back into sex work. Apart from a brief spell at Bon Ton in Wellington almost 3 years ago, I have not “worked” since before it was legalised.  Back then there was a host of things to worry about, namely arrest and public exposure in the court pages of the…