Not quite like this, but a still from a funny scene from a great 80s movie, Hotel New Hampshire which is so hot, youtube makes you login to see it. You must watch it. It illustrates my post well. Excuse the foreign subtitles.
Every hooker has clients come to her that she prefers over others. Ideally, I prefer men around my age and older, who would turn me on if I met them at a function somewhere in the real world and who have a certain familiar glint in their eye. Because we are a similar age, we have a shared background and culture almost: we know how things were done back in the day when we still used vinyl, cassette tapes and CDs to listen to music with and made each other mix tapes to express our feelings. Some of us even remember “Piggy” Muldoon (if you have to ask who he was, we are of different generations). I also have a soft spot for older gentlemen whose manners are impeccable yet they have a naughty streak, and whose experience usually means that secretly they are very skilled lovers. Up until recently, this is mainly who I have seen as a sex worker.
I don’t have a problem seeing younger men, but in the past I have expected that they would not want to see a mature sex worker when there are so many beautiful sex workers their own age out there charging very reasonable prices or only slightly more than what I charge.

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